Worship Schedule
Hours 9:00am - Divine Liturgy 9:30am
For those unable to attend worship services in person, please view our services on our YouTube channel: Transfiguration Orthodox on YouTube
March 1
Pre-Lenten retreat featuring iconographer Niko Chocheli: Beauty Pointing to Heaven (1:00-4:00pm)
March 2
+ Hours at 9:00am - Divine Liturgy at 9:30am
+ "Sunday of Souls" memorial prayers
+ Sunday School for the smaller children
+ Orthodoxy 101 following fellowship meal
+ Forgiveness Vespers (6:30pm)
March 3 - Clean Monday (First Day of Lent)
Great Compline (6:30pm)
March 4
Online Book Study (6:30pm)
Thirty Steps to Heaven: The Ladder of Divine Ascent for All Walks of Life
pgs. 109-133
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85139786441
March 5
Pre-Sanctified Liturgy at 6:00pm followed by lenten pot-luck
March 8
Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers - 5pm - at St John Chrysostom parish in York
March 9
+ Hours at 9:00am - Divine Liturgy at 9:30am
March 10
Great Compline (6:30pm)
March 11
Senior's Stitching group - meeting at home of Diane Kostaris at 9:00am
March 13
Sisterhood Meeting at 6:30pm
March 16
+ Hours at 9:00am - Divine Liturgy at 9:30am
+ Orthodoxy 101 following fellowship meal
March 17
Great Compline service (6:30pm)
March 18
+ Online Book Study (6:30pm)
Thirty Steps to Heaven: The Ladder of Divine Ascent for All Walks of Life
pgs. 134-162
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85139786441+ Parish Council meeting at 7:35pm (same Zoom invite as study group)
March 19
Pre-Sanctified Liturgy at 6:00pm followed by lenten pot-luck
March 20
Nar-Anon meeting at Church - 7:00pm
March 23
+ Matins at 8:15am - Divine Liturgy at 9:30am
Download, print, or follow the Matins service on your phone
+ Orthodoxy 101 following fellowship meal
March 24 & 25
Annunciation feast services at Lancaster parish
March 25
Online Book Study (6:30pm)
Thirty Steps to Heaven: The Ladder of Divine Ascent for All Walks of Life
pgs. 163-187
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85139786441
March 26
Pre-Sanctified Liturgy at 6:00pm followed by lenten pot-luck
March 29
Parish Game Night - hosted by our Young Adults at 5pm at our fellowship room - all ages welcome!
March 30
+ Hours at 9:00am - Divine Liturgy at 9:30am
+ Sunday School for the smaller children
+ No Orthodoxy 101 today
March 31
Great Compline (6:30pm)
Our Parish
The Transfiguration Orthodox Church is under the jurisdiction of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and the Metropolis of Pittsburgh.
Our Mission
The mission of the Transfiguration Orthodox Church is to foster the spiritual maturity of the Orthodox Christian faithful and reach out to inquirers in northern Lancaster County.
A message from Father Alex:
Online Chapel

4th Thursday of Lent
Saints and Feasts Commemorated
Visit the Online Chapel for more daily readings, hymns, a monthly calendar of saints and feasts, and more.